
The Erawan Hotel Brahma Shrine is revered by the general public, both Thais and foreigners alike. Many believers have donated money for use in repair and maintenance of the Brahma image as well as this respected shrine. The money is separately deposited in many bank accounts. It was found out that there was a lot of money left after repair and maintenance. In B.E. 2512 General Officer Chalermchai Charuvastr, Board of Directors Chairman of the The Syndicate of Thai Hotels & Tourists Enterprises Limited made a suggestion to the Board. He proposed that since the amount of donated fund is increasing everyday, it should be used for the benefits of the general public so as to practise the Brahma Dharma consisting of kindness, mercy, sympathy, and impartiality. The Board unanimously decided in favor of the idea and resolved to give the money to hospitals and other chairtable organisations. The fund is to be called "The Erawan Hotel Brahma Shrine Fund."
The objective of this fund is to donate the money to hospials in rural areas for use in purchasing medical equipments to be used for treating needy patients. The donation commenced in July B.E. 2512 and has continued ever since up till now. |
